Lane Farm Airpark

Lat. 52°07’00”N. Long.03°11’30”. 
13 nm SW of Shobdon (EGBS) 4nm NW of Hay on Wye. 

06/24 grass 750 x 30m - 830'amsl

Prior Permission Only (PPO) - STOL experience required 

Landing fee is not charged but donations are always welcome! 

  • Situated in a valley with high ground all around, up to 1,671' amsl(to WNW) and 1,361' amsl(to ESE)
  • Caution - there are 60' trees on the north side of the strip and close to both thresholds.
  • Cables run close down the North side and cross the 06 approach - marked with orange disks.
  • On the 24 approach there is a 2m high deer fence alongside drive to hangar.
  • Circuits are to be flown to avoid local villages.
  • Hangar (5000sq.ft) Space available for resident and visiting aircraft.
  • Local Taxis can be phoned from phonebox as mobiles have no signal on airfield.